
Become a Vévere Promoter

  1. Place an order worth £15 or more

  2. Use code PROMO20 for 20% off during checkout 

  3. A few hours later we will email you your own code to promote with

  4. You’ll get paid 20% of every order that uses your code 

  5. Anyone who uses your code will get 20% off

Terms and Conditions

  • We will message you with your unique code 

  • We will pay all money directly to your Paypal or bank account

  • You will be paid 14 days after an order is placed using your code to ensure the order is not returned and a refund does not have to be issued

  • Vevere reserves the right to end the promotional scheme at any point

Ways to Promote

It's completely up to you how you wish to promote but here's some ideas:

  • Take photos of yourself wearing Vévere products

  • Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc

  • Add your unique promo code to your social media bios

  • Email or DM us and we will send you a selection of photos of our models that you can repost on social media

Want to join us as a Vévere Promoter? Email us at or DM us on Instagram